Thursday, May 5, 2011

iMindMap Pro Mind Mapping Software

Are you looking for powerful software tool on your MAC or PC?

Are you always involved in a lot of project planning, presentations, product launches, on the fly business meetings that need creative planning and efficient action plans?

Are you interested for a computer software that can give you limitless options on your single idea?

In any case that you say yes to those 3 sample issues presented above or in any situation near those queries, then iMindMap Pro might just what you need.

iMIndMap Pro

iMindMap Pro is a mind mapping software!!!

Now before you say what the f is mind mapping? Well, it is just a simple computer software tool that can give you limitless options on a simple idea, data, information or thought from any moment of inspiration that you can put in the software as a central idea. It is a tool that you can use that can create maps for you of action plans, options or directions that you can see visually allowing your brain to work more creatively, efficiently and freely.

iMindMap Pro is mind mapping software invented by Tony Buzan of the ThinkBuzan Company. Tony Buzan is the leading lecturer on brain and learning and foremost expert for thinking visually from the concept that your brain works more on what you can see, unhindered and stress free. In fact, iMindMap Pro is a mind mapping software that allows you to think visually.

Tony Buzan mind maps have been employed by successful and world renowned companies like Toyota, Disney, Microsoft, BBC just to name a few. Used by their employees to enhance creative thinking boosting efficiency and productivity.

iMindMap Pro features Multi Maps that will allow you to understand relationships and associations of how we think as well as the relationhips of your different ideas or concepts. It will allow you to easily see through it, and of complicated situations clearing you head with of course visual thinking.

It also boasts of MAC and PC exporting and office integration that will allow your mind mapping software and mind maps to seamlessly work in harmony with your computer so that you may easily furnish finished products, like slide presentations that you easily use for your product presentations, report or project plans.

To put simply, iMindMap Pro is a mind mapping software that is like a blank canvas where you can put in your main idea at the center and make branches out of it as action plans allowing your head to see the whole picture of your thought and permitting it into thinking visually with what you see. It is like a drawing board put into a computer.

You can get this amazing software for just $ 161.00!!!

A lot of people will not use this software. Of course people who thinks that this is just a novelty tool a fad. Or anybody that can’t think that this certain software can enhance their ability to think other than what was already known traditionally. But the people who use this software to this day are alone a proof and test that this is effective and they are grabbing the huge advantages this software offers.

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